Performing the self(?)

Rewire education explores a variety of aspects of music and performance, including innovations in these fields as well as their historical contexts. It is with this intention that a new workshop entitled 'Performing the self(?)' was developed. The workshop focuses on performance art and the impact of performance as a live experience for both maker and viewer. 

Working together with Hague based performance artist and musician Charlie Watkins, this workshop specifically for secondary school students (Dutch description below) explores different elements of performance including movement, sound and visuals (costume and props). 

The workshop has been held at numerous secondary schools in the Hague. Below is an example of one result of the workshop held at Haagse Montessori Lyceum with the 3rd year art students.

Performing the self(?) workshop:

In deze workshop werkt performance kunstenaar en muzikant Charlie Watkins samen met leerlingen om een nieuwe performance-kunstwerk te creëren. In de workshop worden verschillende elementen van performancekunst behandeld zoals taal, kostuum, personages, beweging en dialoog.
De deelnemers worden uitgedaagd om met deze kennis een performance te creëren - en een verhaal te vertellen - met het thema identiteit. Deze workshop kijkt tevens naar de context en geschiedenis van performancekunst en zijn huidige positie in muziek en kunst.
